Judicial Insurance payment or Judicial Dividend receiving proportional to demographic group profile, probability of damage, individual profile probability of damage based on past damages. Ranges go from positive insurance paying to dividend receiving of citizens that cause no damage and increase economic productivity.
Insurance pays for open certified judicial agents (police, investigators, defenders, prosecutors and judges).
Proof of damage, premeditation and danger can result in restitution, fine and freedom restriction, including home arrest (open/closed for non-violent/violent damages, with internal cell and remote electronic/live control).
No-tax spending with police, judicial, penitentiary salaries and real estate. G$ Productive Currency investments generate Universal Capital Income Citizen Dividends from which Citizens pay Judicial Insurance or receive Judicial Dividends from raise in productivity, based on their demographic and individual danger profile.
Judicial Insurance can increase proportionally from 0% to 95% for income/products/services of/sold by/sold to (transfers/import/export) Individuals and Organizations controlled by Individuals Human Rights Violators, proportional to violation, including censorship, opposition incarceration, death penalty and war crimes.
Judicial Insurance of 20% (1 to 100/year), 30% (100 to 1000/year), 40% (over 1000/year) for Governments, Organizations and Individuals applying the death penalty, on all transactions (income transfers, import/export of products and services) paid to an insurance fund to assist/prevent victims of death penalty Human Right Violation.