Judicial Administration Take Over
United Nations Statute
Globocean Constitution
United Lands Constitution
Solar Federation Constitution
Global-Earth-Solar Jurisdiction
Class Action Take Over
NORSID CASE: Notorious Repeated Systemic Institutionalized Damages.

OPERATION SOCIALATION: for Individual Social Rights or Social Security, including health, disability, unemployment, retirement, Universal Rights, with equal payouts to citizens up to a growing basic standard of living.

JUDGMENT: inclusion of judgments available for open certified judges and jury citizens using email jusistem (at) jusistem.com; Global Order to Stop/Repair Damage; notorious repetitive systemic evidence of damages.

Governments must payout a basic benefit equally to every citizen, including social security, health, disability, unemployment and retirement. Only payments above the minimum standard of living can be distributed proportionally to previous contributions to a collective fund that was held together with general taxation funds. In addition to the general contribution/benefit the government can create individual contribution funds kept in Individual accounts for individual social use, in addition to an insurance against exhaustion of those funds, with value in inverse proportion to value of individual contributions and with the demographic probability of occurrence of payouts, including prevention behavior, as substance abuse/lack testing, vaccination and Permanent Life Protocols to avoid Life abandonment.

United States of America Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security benefits are owed equally to all citizens up to the minimum federal wage or standard of living, then proportional to past contributions. Citizens must also contribute to an individual social security account and pay an insurance against exhaustion of these funds, inversely proportional with the contribution to individual fund and to preventive measures for payouts.

Brazil INSS benefits are owed equally to all citizens up to the minimum federal wage or standard of living, then proportional to past contributions. SUS health is in theory available to all citizens but in practice are underfunded by taxation and have inefective/insufficient use. Citizens must also contribute to an individual social security account and pay an insurance against exhaustion of these funds, inversely proportional with the contribution to individual fund and to preventive measures for payouts.

All Nations with similar unequal social payouts funded by general taxes must pay all citizens equally up to a growing minimum standard of national living. Alternatively public organizations can charge for services/products at efficient cost plus 20% surplus paid out to all citizens equally, with taxation ending once those dividends reach the minimum standard of living, including payment for all Universal Social rights services/products.

ACCUSATION: inclusion of accusation available for certified prosecutors and any citizen using email jusistem (at) jusistem.com; Notorious Repeated Systemic Institutionalized Damages.

Individual Social Rights or Social Security, including right to health, disability, unemployment, retirement protection are an Universal Right, usually directly or indirectly financed by taxation, or that can be financed by sale of products/services at cost plus 20% surplus paid out to citizens as dividends, to then cover basic rights with overall dividends. Government cannot fund social security/health/disability/unemployment/retirement with taxation but deny equal benefits to citizens based on alleged past contributions, when these specific contributions were not retained for specific future payouts, on the contrary were used in general purpose funds.

DEFENSE: inclusion of defenses available for accused, certified defenders and any citizen using email jusistem (at) jusistem.com.

Citizens contributed in the past differently and deserve to receive different payouts proportional to their contributions.