Judicial Administration Take Over
Global and/or local judicial decisions depend on effective administration operationalization that may be delayed, manipulated, dissimulated by systemic, operationalized, organized, repetitive damaging administrations, requiring Judicial Administrative Take Over intervention to operationalize it and dismantle systemic/organized damaging administration, replacing it with highest efficient system available in terms of cost and performance.
Administration replacement to stop systemic damages can be achieved independently/simultaneously with internal election/proxy dispute, tender offer, controlling share holding, special/golden share veto/control, administration board control, non-controlling investors, executive and/or board agreed public acquisition, non-controlling take over/merger cash/share swap public offer, MATO (Market Administration Take Over), PATO (Political Administration Take Over), GATO (Global Administration Take Over) and/or JATO (Judicial Administration Take Over).
JATO, Judicial Administration Take Over, to install new efficient non-damaging administrations, combine Global Orders to stop/repair systemic/repetitive damages with global non-controlling collective/class action of damaged mutual economic interest as of investors, citizens, consumers, suppliers and/or workers of organizations.
JATO for NORSID CASES, Notorious Repeated Systemic Institutionalized Damages, not executed Global Order to Stop/Repair Damage served to national/international judicial systems to be locally and/or internationally enforced, directly and immediately, or by opening a local and/or alternative organization international judicial process to be concluded in no longer than one year.
FESO, Forced Enterprise Spin-Off, when anti-competitive acquisition escapes anti-trust regulators and/or judicial system does not take place as enhanced competition promised by the acquirer, anti-trust regulator or judicial system forces spin-off of acquired with proceeds funding reparation of damages/fines.
DERC, Destroyed Enterprise Re-construction , when acquisitions or investments are actually trojan-horse actions to destroy the competitor after escaping anti-competition challenges, the organization is restructured and spin-off from the acquired financed by them with proceeds covering damages.
BACA, Blocked Anti-Competitive Acquisition, giving the history of systematic monopoly, oligopoly, cartel abuses and the obstruction of justice to recover future damages, blocking anti-competitive acquisitions and finding alternative acquisitions/mergers to strengthen competition and benefit consumers.
Organizations must pay for damages that resulted in income for shareholders and executives, but further damages, fines, restrictions of administration and freedom must be applied directly to controlling executives and controlling shareholders responsible, that are in breach of their contractual, citizen obligation of causing no damage and upholding the law. Considering notorious, systemic history of use of organizations structure/wealth to maneuver, avoid justice, they shall be removed from control by JATO (Judicial Administrative Take Over), that can be combined with MATO (Market Administration Take Over), PATO (Political Administration Take Over) and GATO (Global Administration Take Over). An alliance with strategic active controlling new investors to provide financial/technological support to overcome damages, retaliation, ineffective action from regional/national political and judicial agents.
Big tech/media/pharma/oil/auto/tobacco/alcohol (etc) use economic power to fund politicians that appoint regulators, prosecutors, judges, to escape anti-trust damages/laws and obstruct justice. Trust-Take-Over Strategies (JATO/MATO/PATO/GATO), combined with international/national judicial/financial systems to remove damaging enterprise/organization administrations.
Globolsa.com, Direct Global Exchange, G$ Life Global Productive Currency: Global Administration Take Over (GATO), Global Holdings, Continental/National Subsidiaries, Judicial Administration Take Over (JATO), Market Administration Take Over (MATO), National/Foreign Initial Public Offers (IPO)(ADR Dollar New York, BDR Real São Paulo, EDR Euro Frankfurt or Global Depositary Receipts GDR US/Brazil/Europe/ Japan/Australia/South Africa, New York/ Frankfurt/ Sao Paulo/ Tokyo / Sydney/ Johannesburg). 100% collateral in cash/production assets, all profit distribution as daily dividend and book value price liquidity.
Operação Vacinação
FESO Forced Enterprise Spin-Off
DERC Destroyed Enterprise Re-Construction
BACA Blocked Anti-Competitive Acquisition
Class Administration Take Over